work and health programme pioneer image

Need help
finding work?

Hero Stripes Decoration

Work and Health Programme Pioneer is a specialist employment support service for people in Wales, London and Southern England who are not in work.

Our support can help you to:

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Create a CV, apply for jobs, and prepare for interviews and work placements

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Be more confident and improve your health and wellbeing

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Learn new skills, train in a new sector and gain qualifications

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Find a new job or self-employment and settle into your role

Work and Health Programme Pioneer is the latest phase of Universal Support. It is delivered on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.

You may be able to apply if you:

Are not working or claiming benefits

Are claiming non-work-related benefits

Find out if you can apply now:

Access thousands of job opportunities

We work with local and national employers across the UK to offer a range of vacancies to our participants. If you are an employer and would like to find out more
get in touch.